Desperate help please

I have a lot problems withe developing of my website. Only looks great in laptop version, but phone or tablets I dont know how put everything in order without break the laptop version. Anyone can help me please? thank you.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Your Q is too general (Add screenshot/specific issues + read-only link + live URL).

Did you follow the basic courses of webflow university?

I didn’t yet, thanks for ask and reply.

Follow webflow university - open sample project and follow the examples. 3-4 days of learning :slight_smile: and you will be Much less desperate :slight_smile: (Also it is good to read some short articles about CSS/HTML idea).

Also, take a look at some free templated and learn about structure/styles and so on:

I am learning about the course of FULL SITE BUILD. But anyway, I think webflow should be more intuitive, or at least that you can modify elements on different devices without affecting each other. It is a considerable handicap, although it is a very powerful software, it becomes tiresome and frustrating. If I have to learn to use it, I prefer to learn to program directly, after that I dont need pay to webflow or any. If I’ll work on this company I’ll fix this problems easy way. Thank you anyway, Ill try one week more, if not bye bye.