Desktop Breakpoint goes past right tool bar

I don’e believe it has always been this way. for some reason i cannot see my whole desktop breakpoint because the right sidebar is hiding it.

This seems like an occasional issue where usually after you refresh the designer it will be back to normal. Or it could be caused by your browser zoom settings maybe.

If you have your read-only link I could help check if the same problem is occurring on my end.

Appreciate it!

Yeah i checked it. I switched to Chrome a while back because Safari had issues runnign Webflow. I can check Safari to see if it is a Chrome issue.

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Using chrome on windows and looks fine on my side for all pages, could be cause by your chrome extensions/caching. May need to do some troubleshooting on your browser environment if the issue is still occurring.

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awesome thanks! this worked, now it’s time to go back through and enable them 1 by 1

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