Design Issue: Accordion not working properly

Hi there,

My accordion isn’t working properly. Whenever I open an accordion Item, the other accordion items don’t close like webflow’s accordion tutorial. Moreover, It’s difficult to press and sometimes when I close one accordion item another one I didn’t touch opens. I compared my accordion side by side Webflow’s accordion tutorial (Webflow’s read-only link is located below with my site’s read-only link) and they are both the same in styling and interaction. The only difference is the size of the toggle and padding.

Any help or suggestion is appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

accordion is located in the about page

I posted this 7 days ago and didn’t get a reply because I put a faulty link.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Angelika Cheng's Portfolio

Webflow’s Accordion Read-Only Link: Webflow’s Accordion