Hi there,
My accordion isn’t working properly. Whenever I open an accordion Item, the other accordion items don’t close like webflow’s accordion tutorial. Moreover, It’s difficult to press and sometimes when I close one accordion item another one I didn’t touch opens. I compared my accordion side by side Webflow’s accordion tutorial (Webflow’s read-only link is located below with my site’s read-only link) and they are both the same in styling and interaction. The only difference is the size of the toggle and padding differences.
Any help or suggestion is appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/angelika?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=angelika&preview=e9d3f07c8f4ebef978c71e9c666a3529&pageId=61f6f08a39f437423d3dc0e0&workflow=preview
Webflow’s Accordion Read-Only Link: Webflow’s Accordion