Could I get the original template back if I modify it or delete elements (section, containers, div block), layout & design.
I bought a model.
I start to make changes and remove blocks, images.
Thanks to you, have a nice daymy template
Yes, you can restore the template to its original version.
In Project Settings, go to Backups tab and scroll down to the bottom. You should see a section called Original Version. You can then Preview or Restore the original template.
If you only want a few elements back, I would restore an earlier backup to avoid losing all your progress.
hello thank you very much.
so far i have duplicated the template to make a copy.
On the original, I delete all the pages, image, elements which are in excess. I don’t know if it’s good but I have to move on. I also read that it would be better to deactivate the links on the images in question