Customers sign up, log in and shipping adress

Hello people,

I am making my first e-commerce website in Webflow. I have seen that the customer account feature is in backlog since years now and honestly, I am very struggling now to simply provide user accounts, for the customers to save profile infos and shipping adress. If I need to precise, I am UX Designer and not a Dev. You will figure it out by my language :sweat_smile:

Here is the need and use case : Sign Up/Log is a mandatory portal to access home and begin to shop. Then, when it’s time to checkout, customers must have the choice to use the default shipping adress or give a different one. Very simple. And I need to format the shipping adress by Zip codes since I only deliver one city.

I explored Memberstack : Even if it’s a lot of feature for my use, It would work fine for the sign up/log, but I am worried by this (Webflow Memberships | Memberstack) :

Capture d’écran 2020-01-09 à 16.17.12

What does this imply ? Don’t hesitate to tell me if I wrote something wrong, I am newbie in e-commerce.

Thanks !

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Hi @Florian_MacGowan.
We’ve already chatted some, but Foxy’s new drop-in customer portal (coming this quarter) combined with our other ecommerce features, should get you pretty close to everything you need in your Webflow site.

As always, we’re happy to discuss your needs in more detail. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can be of assistance. More info on our seamless Webflow integration can be found here: Webflow |
