Hello people,
I am making my first e-commerce website in Webflow. I have seen that the customer account feature is in backlog since years now and honestly, I am very struggling now to simply provide user accounts, for the customers to save profile infos and shipping adress. If I need to precise, I am UX Designer and not a Dev. You will figure it out by my language
Here is the need and use case : Sign Up/Log is a mandatory portal to access home and begin to shop. Then, when it’s time to checkout, customers must have the choice to use the default shipping adress or give a different one. Very simple. And I need to format the shipping adress by Zip codes since I only deliver one city.
I explored Memberstack : Even if it’s a lot of feature for my use, It would work fine for the sign up/log, but I am worried by this (Webflow Memberships | Memberstack) :
What does this imply ? Don’t hesitate to tell me if I wrote something wrong, I am newbie in e-commerce.
Thanks !