Custom gallery with carousel

Hey guys! Thanks for Webflow - it’s really great, I love it)

I search of unique vision I disigned a Gallery as it should be. Spent good enough time to find any solution but didn’t succeed. Does anyone have ideas how can I make it in Webflow?

Navi menu and a footer aren’t a question, just main area.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @As_Gen

I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve exactly, however you check these tutorials on creating lightboxes within Webflow:

You can also search the forum for the words: gallery, lightbox, slider, carousel for other tutorials and suggestions by our lovely community.

Please, let me know if this is helpful or if you have any additional questions, I’m happy to help further.

My solution works but it’s quite messy. So I took danro’s solution Linking to Specific Tab from another Link or Button - #2 by danro - it works, but I need to show two tabs when press the button instead one tab. I just add another string in a code

it works great but …I need to past code into body section for EACH tab.
Is there an easyest way?

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