Custom code using external script issue

Hi Jeff,
I would like to make a pricing calculator. I followed instructions and have included this script in the body of the pricing page:
<script src=""></script>

But it doesn’t work:

And the raw link actually:

Could you take a look at this please?
Massive thank you :heart:

It would be helpful if you could share a published URL to the page, so inspection in a browser is possible.

Oh, yeah, sure. There’s the link new-pricing

Since the script is not loading that would be an issue.

Ok, thanks!
I asked my developer friend to look at this script and he did this: GitHub - ardobro/embed-code-demo (index.html).
He said it should work properly. But I don’t know how to put it into webflow correctly.

I’d appreciate it if you could tell me how to do it right :pray:

This is pretty easy to fix. You have to use a valid URL for an external resource. All is good if you can open it when you visit the link in your browser. If not, you have an issue with your path or restrictions on the file. There is documentation on JsDelivr about serving up GitHub resources so I suggest consulting it.

Thank you!! I’ll try it