I have a dummy collection list of blog posts and have been creating the “News” page to contain blog post summaries. The “Read More” button on each post summary (which is linked to “Current Blog Post”) always goes to the first post page, not the relevant page.
I hope I’ve made sense, any help would be appreciated. Here’s my read-only link.
Hi @Beest This might be a daft one, but on the actual Blog Post template page, you don’t need to pull a collection list in from ‘Blog Posts’, because you’re already on that Blog Collection Page. You just need to populate it with the content (header, image, blurb) and bind that content. That should work. Hope that makes sense.
I think the reason it’s not working is because it looks like you’re linking back and forth to the same thing (the same collection list) as you’ve added the same thing to both pages.
Thank you so much for your quick reply, I have just actioned your suggestion and it now works perfectly. I’m still new to CMS in general and sometimes I have brain farts like this one!