I hope this tool helps you guys (and girls) out! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!
PS: I’m aware that some people with very very large datasets are having some trouble with it, and that’s on me (I plan on refactoring the tool to better accommodate large quantities of data as soon as I have the time), but if your database doesn’t hold more than a couple of thousands items, you should be good.
@Joseph_Mourot, it’s definitely possible since Multi-Reference fields are simple arrays in the CMS. It all depends on the structure of the data that you’re bringing in. Do you have any CSV that you would like to bring to Webflow in Multi-Reference fields? If you could share it with me, I can work with that and craft something.
Hey Jean, I have the same question re: multi-reference fiends. I’ve got a database I want to upload that’s around 250 items, each has three multi-reference fields. Did you happen to come up with a solution for this?
Hey Ethan, would you be able to share with me the CSV that has all those multi-reference fields? I need to see how the information is going to be imported into webflow so I can come up with the best solution for this.
To everyone who’s following this thread, I made a few changes and improved the tool a little bit more.
The main aspects of this update are:
You will now be able to update multiple fields at the same time with the same request. It’s just a matter of adding “linking groups” to each one of the fields you want to update
Linking automation: You no longer have to manually link all the items to their equivalents. Fields will be automatically linked as long as they have the same name
As always, I’ll be around to help anyone who has questions or comments. Thanks!
Hi Jeandcc, firstly, thanks for building this amazing tool. I’ve used it successfully once (with a single reference field and only 3 expressions to link), however when I try it with several expressions or the multi-reference fields I have been getting a network error/timeout message. Do you have any advice? Thanks again
Update: It appears to have worked despite the network error message