Hey, I’m trying to insert custom audio player (when I say audio player I actually mean one button that says “play”) into dynamic CMS list because each item has unique Audio URL. Sounds easy right? Well not really I’ve been stuck on this for 3 days.
So Im adding HTML embed, placing it into Collection list item, and paste simple player code, “+add field” item URL as source.
Even tho this simple player works (means each collection item plays coresponding audio file) HOWEVER it looks ugly as hell. Because there is 100’s vocabualry words on one page I can’t afford to use that bulky native browser player.
Oh one more thing: The same issue happens not only with audio, I have the same issue whenever I use javascript in embed code (for example tried to make form selection where
is acing as radio button, and all of the options comes from CMS collection - same thing happened, one and the same item was pulled no matter what select)
I’m not developer, but is this a bug or I’m missing something?
Sorry if I’m misunderstanding you, but it appears to be working on the live site you sent me. Are those manually coded? Or am I not understanding what the issue is?
@Dovydas_Sidabras - okay, so the issue is each player has the same id, and when you are using the document.getElementById it is just finding the first instance of that id and playing that, not the currently clicked play button.