Creating two templates from one collection

Hi all! So I am trying to do something and as I am still a beginner I hope I can explain it clearly. I want to have a collection page (eBooks) and inside that page, there is a button to download the eBook. Once you click on it, it takes you to another page that is populated with the details of that collection and a form you fill out to get to the downloadable file. I created the first collection and designed the first collection template placing the button. How do I create a second template page that also grabs details from the eBooks collection? Do I have to manually create those pages after a collection item has been recorded? Essentially what I need is for each collection entry to create two pages. The first page gives you details of the eBook and the second page (accessed through the button) allows you to download it. I hope this explains what I am trying to accomplish. Really appreciate the support!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Creating two separate collections (book overview info + book details info) is not ideal since you’ll then be maintaining the information of one book in two different places.

Collection lists allow you display specific introduction information (whatever small bits you want to include to entice your audience), while your collection template will allow you to display all of the books’ info.

Does that help?

Hi! Thanks for responding. Yes, I figured this is not possible at the moment. I get why having only one is easier to manage, however, I need a second page to place a form for visitors to fill in to get the download. As I understood it, I can either place the form on the main template page and add unique identifiers to pull the correct form (which I am still trying to figure out), or manually create a second page for each collection entry. I was hoping I can have a template for that second page so I do not have to manually create it.

I think that seeing your design for these two pages would help. It’s a little confusing why two pages might be needed for one book. Is there a specific reason for hiding the form on the first page?