Create a Slug/URL/shortener for ad-links


I’m trying to figure out if this is something I can do at WebFlow or if I need to do it at my domain provider. I want to create links, exactly like when you’re creating a CMS Collection and you need to come up with a Collection URL/category and a Slug (

I want to do this for my ad-links, let’s say I’m having a collaboration with McDonald’s and through their affiliate program I’ll get a link that looks something like: “”

Instead of this I want to create a link like above, like a link shortener:

instead of…


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Ended up here after looking for a solution myself, but solved it with my buddy, so didn’t want to leave you hanging :wink:

Go to your page’s settings and put this script between the header tags:


Don’t forget to have ‘https://’ included, otherwise it will not work.
Press save, and publish (won’t work in preview)
