Hi everybody,
My client wanted to be able to upload files from the Editor and copy the URL to link it somewhere in the website. Since Webflow Assets isn’t accessible (I hope someday) from the Editor we had to find another way.
Here’s the solution that we found:
- Create a CMS collection (name it for exemple “File Upload”)
- Add a File field and save collection
- New File Upload, upload a file then save
- Go on the CMS Template and add a button or link (in the designer)
- In Link Settings, check Get File from CMS Collection (linked with the File field)
- Publish
You can go now on the page, click the button and copy the URL to paste in a Rich Text or elsewhere! The client can now access the CMS collection via the Editor, upload a file, publish and go on the Collection Page afterward to copy each links.
I hope it’s helpful!