Hello folks, I’m trying to get a cookie consent modal window working (by Insite, https://cookieconsent.insites.com/) and stumbled upon a problem. A newbie question really:
I’ve got the first part of their wizard: putting the code they provide into the header – that one is easy. But what about the second part – letting users opt out of using cooking. Description on their website says that ‘If you have chosen opt-in or opt-out as your compliance type (code that goes into header), you will need to disable cookies on your site depending on the user action. Disabling cookies should be done with the callback hook:’
Unfortunately I have no clue what is a callback hook or where should I put this code in webflow:
Can anyone supply me with a very basic explanation, or whether it is even possible to do without prior experience with coding. Thanks in advance
Hi, I have a similar query.
Using the code snippet from the Cookie Consent by Insites wizard the cookie banner displays fine but with no functionality. Read Only Link and Site URL
My JavaScript is rusty but I think the code generated by the wizard, passes strings and the .js and css files are hosted by Insites on CND Cloudflare, Wizard Code
whilst the code in the documentation hosts the .js & css files are locally and passes objects Code Snippet in Documentation
The .js file is far to big to use in Custom Code or Embed in Webflow
That is still very useful (and it’s what I’ve used in the past), but it doesn’t address how to implement an Opt-In or Opt-out system. As in, something that would allow the site to:
Block any cookie from being used or stored unless given consent by the user.
Give the user the ability to revoke this consent at any point.
Yes I have seen Vincents cloneable template.
The GDPR legislation is different for different locations, so great as Vincents template is, it is the code behind the added functionality I’m concerned with.
They need to have the option to accept, decline (not run the scripts for the cookies) and change their mind (revoke choice function)
Cookie Consent by Insite can provide all this functionallity… free! And it works in Webflow.
Their documentation provides the code snippets but you have to piece them together. My Javascript is a bit rusty.
The issue for me is, if the .js and css are not local, the are far too big for Custom Code and Embedded code, the banner code snippet is different and don’t know how to incorporate the rest of the code!
Exactly! I’ve seen all templates mentioned in this thread (and many other topics on the issue), also talked to support and I can CONFIRM that as of now there is NO way to implement opt-out system for cookies.
It’s really disappointing that Webflow staff points out Vincents guide – because it’s misleading users into thinking that their website complies with GDPR, and it’s not.
Guys at Webflow, if you are reading this – please take note – this needs to be addressed via NATIVE FEATURE built into your service as soon as possible.
I used to use Cookie Consent by insite. It was great for consent without agree / disagree but was tricky to add code to exclude elements like Google Analytics. So I’ve switched to Cookie-Script. I found it so easy to set up. They have this page for adding third party cookie blocks - so simple! I do pay 48 euros a year, but this is for over 50 sites (you can have unlimited sites) and because all our sites are https. They do a have a free option for http sites. Also their support is great. I’m just converting all my sites now. Just 18 more to go and takes me under 10 minutes per site.
You’re very welcome Helen. I’m sure you’re aware, but it’s worth adding the Google Cookie Inspector widget to Google Chrome. That way you can test your cookie blocking on the fly. A good example is for Google Analytics blocking. If you edit <script>for <script type="text/plain" data-cookiescript="accepted"> at the start of the analytics code. Then when published try ‘accepting’, refresh page and you’ll see the gid, gar, gat etc. cookies there. Then ‘decline’ and refresh the page and they’ll go and just ‘ironically’ be replaced with the reject Cookie Script cookie. All good stuff - I’m really pleased! Mike.
Here is another question regarding “Cookie consent by Insite” How would one add a target _self (same window) to the code below in order to link to your own privacy page? The code provided by “Insite” opens the link in a new tab:
Thanks for the great suggestion. Considering setting an account up for a client; can you confirm that this indeed does work on Webflow sites?
It looks great and seems very intuative.
Hi Douglas, Yes we’re still using Cookie-Script a couple of years on. About 65 sites at the moment. Really easy to set up and maintain and the support is good. We export all our sites and use a VPS for hosting. All works well. We still need to add the odd bit of code for YouTube videos etc. (as above). We no longer use Analytics as in the UK/EU region users have to opt-in to Analytics, so data is complete rubbish! So no need for us to add any code to the Analytics block. We’ve gone back to AWSTATS. Hope this helps.
Hi @pnewest thank you for your post!. Im trying to set up cookie-script in a site in which i have facebook pixel and google analytics script but i can’t make it work. Do yo know which are the right parameters to make it work?.