Convert Div Block to Link Block

I would really like to have the ability to change a div block to a link block. I’ve had many times where I’ve added elements to a div block, styled them nicely, only to realize I needed it to be inside of a link block. So then I have to take everything out, add a new link block, and move everything into it. Not the biggest problem, but I just thought it would be another way to speed up the workflow.


Can’t you just drag the div into the link block?.. Without having to remove everything. But that would be messy so I agree with you that this is something that is useful and I will probably want to use it myself. :wink::blush::grinning::+1:

You definitely can do that, but it becomes time consuming if you have a lot of div blocks or div blocks with a lot of items. It becomes tedious and I feel like just a simple toggle to switch to a link block would vastly improve this user experience.


I have thought this as well. You can change a div to footer, article and more, why not a link?