Connect static page to product page

HI! I built a static page with a slider in it. Slider shows my featured items (products) how can I connect those items to its relative product page?
P.S. I have already set up my product page also. I tried to use link block and redirect from there, but I can not see the product page in the drop down list in link block.

When you are in the context of a CMS Collection List, with a link or link block element selected, you have a purple tab in the link settings. Click on it then in the dropdown select the entry starting by “Current…” . This is the link from your item in a list to the full node CMS page.


Thank you so much @vincent

Another question, how can I change the shown items quantity in Mobile view? I want to show 4 items in desktop and 1 item in mobile. How can I do that?

As the number of item setting is in the settings tab, it’s set for all breakpoints, unfortunately.

The easiest way is to duplicate your collection list, give a combo class (like “mobile”) on the second one, hide the second one on all breakpoints but mobile, and hide the first one for mobile. See what I mean?

There’s another method using custom code and CSS nth-child property.