Collection Page | Navigation Symbol | Link.... Bug.?

Webflow fam! I love you guys and hope everybody is doing good and staying safe!

This morning I just found a bug I think? It has to do with a linking a collection page in a symbol…

Steps to recreate the bug-

  1. Create a symbol with navigation links pointing to pages.
  2. Go to a collection page
  3. Add a navigation link (linkblock) and try to connect it to that page…

I wasn’t able to, what I was able to do was add a nav link to the actual page outside the symbol, link it to the page, and then move it into the symbol…

Seem’d weird but wanted to post. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Have a great week!! Love you webflow family!!!

Just trying to get this deleted, I’m an idiot and figured it out!!!

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All good @codyarsenault!

Feel free to post how you figured this out in order for us to see how you solved this problem. We’d love to see the process.

Happy to hear everything has been figured out.


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