I’m having issues with a collection displaying in a tabbed element. When the tab is clicked, the collection list shows all of the collection items stacked on top of each other, once you click the stack they expand out. On mobile its expanding them but not desktop.
Trying to have them automatically display, and not need the click.
Can anyone please help? This is a site I’ve inherited and didn’t design from the ground up…
You’re using Isotope to create a masonry style layout, which calculates layout positions according to the available container space. When the tabs are closed, that container is hidden so the size is 0 x 0 and the calculation stacks them all.
You’ll basically need to do some redesign work here so that when each of your tabs is clicked, it forces the Isotope engine to re-calculate the layout.
Thank you! I was looking at did find some code here - but is blacked out.
When i reinstated it - the initial problem went away, but the layout was not masonry.
Any clue which part to bring back in to get the best of both worlds?
If i remove the / at the arrow, the rest of the code section come back on.