I run a job board, where different job openings are posted as CMS items. I noticed that some of the older posts suddenly started appearing with “staged changes” status, although no changes have been made. All I do is create new CMS items and publish them.
Would you be able to help me reverse this? Otherwise any new site publication will bring older posts to the front of the list, which is not what I want.
Can I please get help on this issue? I am still getting it. Now with the new release, CMS item status is being changed from “Published” to “Queued to Publish” without me touching them. It only happens once I publish a new item which shares the same information in one of the custom fields: “Organization name/website/or logo”.
I’m experiencing the same issue, but mine aren’t just changing to “Queued to publish”. I’ve had a handful automatically show up as “Draft changes”. It’s a bit concerning. I’ve also had a couple of items that I’ve updated and published, checked the site, and then come back the next day to see it revert. How is this even possible?
I’d highly recommend that you fix that design- Webflow internal date fields are not safe for any kind of sorting. There are a lot of scenarios where these are updated as part if internal processes… publishing, imports, backup restores.
Split out your date field and populate that instead, just like you would in a blog.
Thank you for you reply. I did not have any issues with dates in regards to sorting so far.
Now I figured out that it is only the “organization logo” field that triggers this bug. Only when I upload the same logo picture from my files and publish it in the new post, so does it also change the status of all the other old posts that use the same picture.
This only happens when the picture is saved from the same folder that already have been used at least once. When I save that same picture elsewhere on my computer, the bug is not triggered for the first time, but triggers again from the second time I save the picture from that that folder.
I hope that my explanation is clear enough :)
It would be very helpful to get your input on this.
Interesting I don’t think I’ve seen that but I would recommend that you vid record it and share it to support. From your description it does sound like strange behavior.