CMS images show broken on mobile

Am having a huge problem with the main article image loading from my site’s CMS collection. On full screen the image loads perfectly - on my computer with a reduced screen size, on and on my Androud phone all Article page main images show as broken when I load. I have re-made the collection, re-made the collection page etc all to no avail.

The really strange thing is if, on the reduced size screen, when loaded showing a broken link, if I drag the window to full screen the image loads, then if I reduce the screen size the image stays and show at all break points.

Please help, this is my wife’s site and I promised her I’d finish today. Apart from a few buggy responsive issues I’m almost there.

Here is my public share link:

A typical Article page is here

The published site’s link is

PS please be gentle on the quality of the CSS and especially the Classes - I kind of made it up as I went along.

Look forward to hearing from you


your image filenames seems to have spaces and special characters in them.

Try replacing them all with images with proper filenames.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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