I have read the article about responsive images, which suggests that the server creates multiple variants for different breakpoints. Also, I understand that I can set minimum and maximum pixel and file sizes. (This assumes that the client is able to understand these parameters).
I’m not entirely clear on the best practices for client-managed images in Webflow.
For example, I am designing a blog for a client. I created a space for an image at the top of an article in the blog collection. This is a horizontally formatted (landscape) image.
If the client uploads an image in portrait mode to this field, what happens? Does it get cropped to a landscape format, or will it always display the full image?
The blog page lists 25+ articles with a thumbnail for each. The thumbnail for this blog page is only 300 pixels wide, but the client has uploaded a 3500 pixel wide, 3MB file. Is there any way to force the thumbnail image to use a smaller image than the article page?
Does the designer offer any controls over image variant size?
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)