Clients wants analytics on Website, does Webflow have this function?


I was wondering if I’m someone could help me. My client wants analytics on their website after a well-known website in their industry published an article with a link-back to their business website. Does Webflow have analytics?

If not, what are the best options for analytics that aren’t expensive?

Thank you! Any help would be appreciated as I’m feeling embarrassed I didn’t think they’d want analytics.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Webflow has a built in analyze option as a paid add-on. It’s convenient and integrated into the designer if they have access.

You’ll find it top left in the designer, the little chart icon.

Otherwise you can do e.g. Google Analytics, it’s easy to setup, but a bit of a learning curve for clients if they’re unfamiliar with it.

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Thank you, Michael. Do you know what “# sessions means” on the webflow analytics section? Is that the number of visitors it caps for keeping track of data?

Honestly, I’m pretty bummed Webflow doesn’t have built-in analytics like Squarespace and Framer.


I haven’t seen an official definition, but it should more-or-less follow industry practices. For GA4 I believe a new session is created after 30 minutes of inactivity, crossing the midnight threshold ( for the site’s timezone ), or visiting the site from a new vector such as an ad click.

I agree. I would have much preferred a free basic stats capability, and then the ability to define conversion events like form submits, ECom checkouts, page visits, button clicks… and those would appear alongside the stats in a paid version of Analyze.

Hopefully it will head that way someday, right now I can’t even really demonstrate it to clients or show why it’s convenient to have those stats in a per-page sidebar.

It does have a ton of potential though, I’m very hopeful that in the future the data captured by Analyze will enable a smarter site-aware designer, giving the right designer feedback on preferred breakpoints, page fold, etc. Heatmaps, rage clicks. For now that’s just a dream, but an exciting one.

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It’s appaling that Webflow charges an arm and a leg for this kind of thing. With the re-shuffling of features and plans/pricing Webflow positions itself as unaffordable and/or unattractive for smaller websites. I’ve been developing and hosting a small number of smaller charity websites and micro business websites for a number of years. But Webflow’s pricing and plans become ever more convoluted and unattractive. With what they develop, like Analyze, they could make their platform more attractive for a large section of their users. Instead, it’s only available for those with plenty of loose chainge in their pockets. Webflow was the default tool to build and host sites for a long time, but I’m looking for alternatives now.

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Do you think Google Analytics is a good choice or alternative?

Yeah. I’m tempted to start learning Framer to move my business over there, especially since the CMS is easier to use, analytics are free and they likely don’t have yearly pricing increases.

I just got another email saying Webflow prices would increase without telling me directly how much I’m supposed to pay now for a workspace plan. Lol.

Are attorneys running the show? Make it easy for your customers.

@Dbisbee Google analytics (GA4) has always been the industry dominant choice, but I think there are GDPR limitations that make it unsuitable for sites operating in GDPR regions.

I primarily use GA4 and Posthog, depending on the site and the types of analytics I need.

If you’re in the EU, I’d likely use Webflow’s analyze for its cookie consent support, or explore other options. Check out Cloudflare analytics too.

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Thank you. I will check the link you provided.

Considering my client is US-based but has a lot of EU clients, does that mean Google Analytics wouldn’t capture the data from that region? Or would it just make my client liable for not being GDPR compliant because they use Google Analytics?

Would like to avoid civil suits for both myself and my client.

Okay, so hopefully my last stupid question. (Thank you @memetican for your all your grace.)

Do I put the Google Analytics code for tagging in the “Inside tag” or “Before tag”.

I can’t answer that. The standard practice I’ve seen for GDPR-affected sites is to use a cookie consent + google tag manager + google analytics, and then GA4 only loads if the user accepts cookies. So you effectively get very little data in those regions.

You’d have to talk to someone who specializes in that, and the GDPR legalities of tracking overall, including cookieless analytics.

Place it in site wide code before-HEAD area, in the white dashboard. NOT page-specific code within the designer.

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Hey guys have you considered the Microsoft app for Webflow Microsoft Clarity & Webflow Integration - Webflow Apps?

Ah. Thank you! :pray:t3:

And thank you for all your help on this. I do appreciate it.