Clients sceptical about using Webflow instead of Shopify

Hi There,

This is a general question regarding larger shopping experiences built using Webflow.

I have a current client that wants to develop an e-commerce shop but is worried that Webflow will not have the functionality and scalability that a Shopify alternative may offer them.

They want to ad functionality such as Cart Abandonment and checkout upselling so we will be using a third party checkout solution with added integrations to achieve this.

To build confidence in Webflow as a solution they have asked me to provide links to some sites that have been built in Webflow and contain a large shop or catalogue of products which would be considered relatively main stream.

I have previously developed boutique e-commerce sites for smaller brands so cannot offer links from my own portfolio. The Webflow support team will only offer links to sites that use end to end Webflow e-commerce functionality, which as I mentioned will not fit the clients needs in this instance.

This must be a pretty common issue that Webflow designers come up against so if any one can reference a site that they or someone else has been involved with that fits this criteria, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know.

Thanks in advance


Here is a good resource that compares the two services: Webflow vs. Shopify | Discover the visual alternative to Shopify

For Ecommerce functionality Shopify sounds like the more scalable solution at the moment.