Hi! I am sure I’m just doing something totally wrong but I can’t seem to connect to a Field in a CMS collection. I have tried with plain and rich text. Images attached.
It looks like your Share Link didn’t post correctly. Can you please repost a Share Link to your site, and specify the page name being used in your example?
Hi, sorry about that. I think I figured it out actually. Just copied and pasted a different Collection List on the same page and edited that one to get it to link to what I needed.
When you add a new Collection List it defaults to 3 new boxes. What if you just want one box instead of 3? Thanks
Glad to hear you managed to figure it out! Good work.
Regarding the Collection List defaults - unfortunately you can’t change how many items the default Collection List element will display, as it’s just a reference to show you can display multiple items until you connect one of your Collection Lists to it.