Cannot add collection fields

When I try to add a new field and press save field the designer “jumps out” of the collection manager before I can press save collection.

I have tried in latest versions of both Safari and Google Chrome.


Had the same problem

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Same problem…shame this happens RIGHT when I have a deadline and this is the LAST thing I have to do ;(

Here also!! see this video:

Hi @Automedia and all, the issue is reported and as soon as there is a fix, I will provide an update.

Thanks in advance

Yeah having the same problem:

Appears to be resolved now

Yes, it appears to be solved :slight_smile: Working in Chrome.

Yay it works thanks webflow!

same here! must be a temporary issue

Hey guys!

Sorry to jump onto the topic so late. As soon as we got first info about this bug we started working on a fix. Once it was ready we deployed it right away. We were so happy about it we started celebrating and forgot to let you know here. So…

Sorry :slight_smile:
Anyway, we’re happy that you’re happy! Thanks for reporting this and well… stay awesome!

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