Can a webflow site exported to wordpress use wordpress plugins?

If you use the webflow pages plugin to import your site to wordpress, will you be able to use wordpress plugins, in my example a booking calendar, to your page?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: depends what the plugin requires and how your developer does the Wordpress integration.

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I am interested too. :hugs:
My case would be a members Sign Up/Sign In. Something like other websites have where you can Sign in with your existing Google Account. Or Facebook Account.
Since Webflow does not have this kind of option. Or am I missing something?

Usually yes, you can use any plugin as soon as you have your site exported into wordpress. Actually, I havenā€™t worked that much in wordpress myself, Iā€™m just getting started with understanding how everything works. During the lockdown, I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to bring to life and Iā€™m getting them going one by one. I can already see that itā€™s going to be a long journey ahead, but itā€™s something that Iā€™m super excited about. Anyway, I think itā€™s so easy these days to get a hang of how it all works and to gain a new skill in this domain cause there are helpful tools everywhere now. I think I spend the majority of my day looking at wordpress articles now, and thatā€™s where Iā€™m able to find all the answers to my questions.

Yes you can, I have also exported my web flow site to WordPress to use Yoast SEO plugin, members plugin for wordpress, Duplicate page plugin and many more.

Hi there, Iā€™m thinking about hosting my website outside of webflow due to the costs of Webflow, on the Server Iā€™m going to run a WordPress Site. I just wanted to know if I use the WordPress ā€œWebfloe Pluginā€ with a Pro Plan on Weblfow will I still have the ā€œBuild in Webflowā€ watermark on my Site?

what would you personally reccommend to export a webflow site to wordpress?

how would you take off ā€˜built in webflowā€™?

@MariahPapaya - Depends on what your requirements are. The udesly adapter can migrate the site as a theme but the content is part of the theme and only editable via their plugin. Pinegrow has an editor that can convert a site to a theme. More manual control and you would have to import your content into Wordpress.

With all that Wordpress (5.8) offers today and the choices of themes that can be easily manipulated I donā€™t know why you wouldnā€™t just start there. I would.