Can a Nav be made dynamic and linked to a CMS collection

I have a client who wants the all of his 10 products to be individual nav links.
At the moment the navigation is made with 10 static links to link to each of the product listings.
He wants the ability that when he adds a product it updates the nav too with its own nav link.
Similar to the way his products have their own listing, he thinks should also be dynamic on the nav.
I hadn’t really allowed for this and tbh I don’t even know if this is possible.
If it is possible, can someone tell me how I would go about implementing this?

Here is my public share link: [LINK][1]
([how to access public share link][2])

Hi @Bammedia, its possible to use a CMS collection list as a nav. Use it as you would any other CMS collection and add a link block/text.

if the pages are static, then you have a bit of a problem. Im sure there are custom code solutions out there.

Sorry, Im replying from my phone so i cant check your read only.

Hi thanks for your reply. Can you possibly give me a steer on this per my link? I’ve tried to do this, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Hey got it working how I wanted using conditions and product categories. Thanks.