I have a published site and I want to add a ‘Contact Us’ button on the home page to open a new page on my website. I selected ‘Open Designer’ and created a new page. I am able to switch between my home page and the new page from Pages → Static Pages. Then I created a button on the home page and used the Hover feature to change the color when the mouse is moved over the button. Then I entered the URL of the new page and set the ‘Open in new tab’ flag. When I hover over the button, the color changes, but when I click it nothing happens. Just for grins, I published the site and on the actual site, when I click the button, I get a 404 - page not found error. So at least the button link did something, but it didn’t open the new page like I wanted.
Opening a new page from a button is a simple, straight forward thing to do, so not sure why it doesn’t work. Has anyone seen this before and know a solution? Thanks.
Hello, instead of url on the button settings try using the Page option.
Select the page you want to redirect.
It works only when you want to go for a page made on the same Webflow project.
If you want to use url, just recheck for any typos on your url.
Thank you Michel. I changed to the Page option and this is what happened. When I click the button, again, nothing happened. But if I go to another element so that it’s attributes are shown on the right side of the screen and then click the button, the button’s attributes are shown on the right side of the screen. So it acting like I want to make editing changes again instead of the button working. I don’t see the ‘Preview’ icon so maybe the Designer isn’t in the right mode to show the new page, because when I published the site and went to it, the button worked and it took me to the new page. I haven’t made changes like this since the site went live, other than to replace images. I think it may have something to do with not being in the right mode. The ‘Preview’ icon was available when I was working on the site, and I used it, but I don’t see it in the Designer. Shouldn’t there be a ‘Preview’ icon when I am making updates to my live site? Thanks.
Hello Michel,
It’s working now. It was because I wasn’t in ‘Preview’ mode. I thought it was odd that I didn’t see the preview icon with the eye shape when I was in Designer so I guess I was expecting it to work as is. So I did a search on preview mode in Webflow Designer and found that it has a triangle shaped icon on the right, so when I clicked that I got the preview mode and the button took me to the new page. Thanks again for your help and suggestion with the ‘Page’ option.