Burger menu button animation

Hello I have been 5 days into it and I could not figure out whats happening and I need help.

My home page is white and my burger menu is black, so my text button and borders are black so logically cant be seen when I open the menu burger. I change its text and border color as white during the Open Menu animation to be seen, and change again at black during the Close Menu animation, but the hover effect makes the text disappear. Here’s some images to give more details.

Capture d'écran 2023-10-05 174127

Capture d'écran 2023-10-05 174143

Capture d'écran 2023-10-05 174154

I can avoid this problem by changing the menu’s color as white but I really want to stick with black.

I welcome any help, please. sorry for my english.
