Bug with sort orders in collection lists

Hi guys,

if you set multiple sort orders for a collection list, webflow will only take the one that’s on top and ignore the others. For me, that’s looks like a bug. Webflow should first sort the list for the first property and then sort this groups with the second property.

For example, first sort the list with the lowest price to highest and within this alphabetical.


Hi @Maurice

It looks like this may be a bug and I’ve reported it to the team. That said, it may be working as expected but it’s hard to say for sure without seeing your site. Can you please share your Read-Only link :slight_smile:

You may try switching the order of your sort parameters. ​Thanks in advance, and I’m standing by for that link.

Of course, there is the Read-Only

I’ve already tried this and it didn’t work.

I should have asked this previously — can you let me know on what page and section I can find the the collection we are working with?

Of course. Its the following page.
And the collection is called “Apartmentkarten Wien Plus”.

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