Bodymovin won't render .json file

Hi all,

I’m creating my very first After Effects / Lottie animation to use on my website as a page loading animation. I’ve created a composition on AE (it uses .png images and a couple of shape layers with a ‘stroke’ applied) and contains position and opacity animations.

I did everything according to the tutorial on Webflow about how to render a .json file of the composition. However, when I click ‘Render’ and the composition has seemingly finished rendering, I can’t see a .json file in the specified destination folder. I’ve tried changing the destination folder, tried rendering again and again, tried quitting AE and re-opening –– nothing works.

What am I doing wrong?

Using After Effects CC 2020.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Topic changed as an issue in After Effects is not a Webflow bug. Try seeking support in the Adobe Forums for this issue.

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