Blog Template with Social Sharing

Is there an existing Webflow template that has a CMS blog with social sharing in place? I’ve searched through a ton of blog templates and not one incorporates post sharing. Seems like it should be a core function.

All Webflow templates are required to use only Webflow native components and custom code is restricted. (including RSS I’m assuming).

Also 3rd party integrations are not allowed as well.

If you need some help adding social sharing you can give this a try. If you need more help you can always shoot me a DM!

@SunbearStudio I agree with you. but creating that sharing buttons is no that complex. I come across this simple solution that might be just what you’re looking for. Blog Social Media Share Buttons by Pixeto - Webflow

The solution I have involves using attributes, making it easy to implement even for those without extensive coding knowledge.

Thanks but this post is specific to blog templates. I’m assuming your custom code solution would not be available in a Webflow template?