Background video dont work

HI!! In this web, the background video dont autoplay, im exported that in
but here YES it work
any help please ?!?!?!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @diegokenji

Did you happen to add any custom code to the page after you exported it?

I’m seeing a couple of console errors on my end:


No, i dont edit anything out the webflow system.
I try to delete all and upload again ?

does your host allow hosting of webm and mp4 videos?

I’m not able to play your video files:

recently i delete all…
yes, the last weekend works… =S

can you try reuploading everything again?

yes recently i delete all and try reuploading everything again, i refresh ctrl + f5

NOTHING no work…
this error i see

you say is the server problem??

I made a copy of your site on my account, then exported it and the video plays.

Have you tried opening your index.html on your desktop to test if it works?

i try uploading in my agency server
and the background works but i see other problems :S
what you recommend me to say to real hosting why cant play background video?
i wait your recommendation to send a ticket to host. thank you !!!

is there a reason why you can’t host with Webflow?

If not, you may need to try other servers. Maybe HostGator?

i send a ticket to hosting. thank you for assistance!

1 Like

the host respond
The error they send is Javascript, the server has nothing to see
They must have some reference wrong

not sure if this has anything to do with it…

right-clicking on the video produces a warning message
Maybe this has something to do with the video issue ?

55 PM

i upload the same web with this warning message…on other 2 different host and the video works…

i think the hosting is lying me

if you want…
I can create a (temporary) account for you on my server.

With this… you can upload your site and see it if runs.

If it runs… the problem is most likely on your current host.

If it is the host… maybe they just don’t know how to fix or address the issue.

In our experience… we find a lot of webhosts…

  • are not really webhosts.

Instead… they are simply resellers… (marketing companies)

  • when you ask “tech support” a question…
  • they in turn ask “their tech support”.
  • when “their tech support responds”…
  • tech support “responds to you”.

I’m not saying that’s the case…

  • because I haven’t looked into who you host with.

yes maybe they just don’t know how to fix or address the issue.

the site its works on other hosting, i guess this is host problem and they just don´t know how to fix but its too strange because 1 week later the bacground video works perfectly. thank you very much i try to send a ticket to hosting again!

the new reply from hosting:

It’s a programming topic
The site is generated from an online site (
The code in the index.html page refers to lots of sites, where JS code rises, if any of these sites limits the number of “downloads” of code, ready, do not walk anymore

It’s ALL JavaScript, that depends on the browser you use, it does not have anything to see the server
If you are with Internet Explorer 5 watching the site, it will not walk: D

For tests, I use an XP, which is already quite old, and you see the video

interesting… the video is working now

That’s a Wordpress website
not a Webflow website.

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