Back-to-top link Block not working for some pages

Hi there!

I created a footer symbol with an arrow that leads to the top section (all top sections have an ID of “top” in all pages).

For some reason the link block I’m using only links to the top section inside: about / offers / careers pages. But it’s not working inside: Homepage/contact US/ Menu pages. Even though all pages have a top section with an ID section. I hadn’t faced this problem in my previous projects. I created the back-to-top link block as I always do, but for some reason it’s not working for this project.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


@vincent hi Vincent! I wonder if you have any idea about what might be causing this issue?

It’s also happening in another project. Anything that is converted into a symbol suddenly I can’t like anything inside of it to a part of a page.

A symbol that connects to a section with an ID: contact in page #1, if used in Page #2 with another section with ID:contact, the linking doesn’t work.