Arrange Order of CSS Styles

I don’t know about you, but I really find it crucial to have the ability to rearrange my CSS styles in the “Style Manager” tab. I’ve been a CSS coder for many years and as I always reorder classes within my CSS file, I would like to have the same organizational power within the Webflow platform.

What do you think, is this kind of feature crucial? I’m voting for 9.

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It would be awesome !!
I am working with css for years and i always like have my css in order and also in separates files.

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I would like to further point out why order control of CSS classes is important. Beside visual organization of the classes which vastly improves finding the ones we need, it can also play a crucial control in cascading and inheritance.

The way I see it is that there won’t be even a need for combo classes, because the class names will be arranged exactly as in a real-world CSS file, so the cascading will take care of the rest. Think opening a CSS file with an editor that had collapsed all properties and only the class names are visible.

Since Webflow functions not as a typical drag and drop visual editor and the way the product is developed requires some CSS knowledge, going further with this approach won’t be a bad choice from a sales perspective, granted most of the Webflow users are already familiar with CSS.

So I’m a bit disappointed to see a rating of only 6.8, as I had expectations to see at least 8. But I do like Webflow as a product a lot.

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