API v2 get/remove webhook endpoints are broken

In API v2, the /webhooks/:webhook_id GET/DEL endpoints throw 404s for webhook IDs retrieved from /sites/:site_id/webhooks GET. I verified that this issue occurs even through the API docs playground, so it isn’t an issue with how I’m running cURL.

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Hi @jschen - happy to look into this. Can you confirm if the Webhook payloads you’re trying to retrieve/delete via the API are ones you’ve created via the Apps & Integrations settings for your site, or if they’re created programatically with the Create Webhook API?

Feel free to shoot a DM over with the Webhook ID and Site ID as well and I can give a quick look to see what might be happening

They were created programmatically via the create webhook API. I’ll DM you the webhook and site ids.

I am having the same issue

I think it’s been fixed since I tried it a few days ago and it seemed to work for me.