Getting CMS collection id from item updated webhook in API v2

In API v1, items returned in the API would include the id of the collection it was a part of (the property was _cid). This was useful, as an example, for knowing why “kind” of CMS item was updated when handling the “item updated” webhook event. In API v2, AFAICT, there is no way to determine what the collection an item is a member of.

Actually, it looks like the documentation is wrong. The payload does actually include siteId, workspaceId, and collectionId. NOTE: This is only the case for the webhook payload.

Thanks @jschen for raising this! We’ll take a look here on fixing this up. If you’d like to track, feel free to raise an issue in our public OpenAPI spec repo.

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Followed up on the Github issue, but also here for visibility in case others stumble upon this issue, this should be fixed now in docs.