Anchor links messed up

The anchor links in my site are acting strangely. In both preview and publish mode, the links don’t go to the right anchor. For instance, the site doesn’t send me to the “contact” section when I click on the Contact link. From what I can tell, Webflow isn’t correctly saving the anchor links in the nav menu. Can someone please offer some advice on what I can do to fix this?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @bming1

Thanks for contacting us about this, as this definitely sounds like odd behavior.

I tried reproducing this behavior on my end, and was able to have it link oddly for me as well.

This is something that our engineers are actively looking into for side navigations.

A workaround is to place the navigation into a Div element, as you may note in the following short screencapture: Screen Recording 2018-12-10...

You may view the implementation in the following Read-Only:

Thank you very much for your help! Yes, this fixed it, and I hope that a permanent solution is found for this bug. Thanks again!


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