Anchor link jumps to bottom on mobile

Hi everyone,

I’m having issues on mobile with the positioning of an anchor-link to a different page.

I have a “Contact” section on the home page, and I have a top nav and a footer nav, both with links to that contact section. I’m using for the anchor-link.

On Desktop, when I click on the “Contact” menu item/link on the home page or other pages, it jumps to the contact section – with correct position. All good.

On mobile devices, when I click on the “Contact” menu item on the home page, it jumps to the contact section – to the correct position. All good.
But… when I click on the “Contact” menu item on other pages, it jumps to the contact section to the correct position at first (for just a millisecond), but then it goes down to the bottom of the footer. Not good.
See image attached.

Why is this happening?

I tried to have an invisible div on the top of the contact section and set that as an anchor.
No change.

What am I missing? How can I solve that?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

For the read-only link click here

I’m noticing that happening with other anchor links. In some (but not all) cases that may have to do with the scroll-animated top nav bar.

In any case, is there a way to force pages to scroll to the top (or to a specific point) of anchor-linked elements?
With other words can I command something like “when I click this anchor link, go to that page and scroll to the top of that anchor element” or even “…scroll 100 px below the top of that element”?

Does anyone have a solution for this?