Affichage background mode smartphone


Etant sur safari, j’ai un problème de background lorsque je regarde mon smartphone.
Mon background ne s’affiche que sur le haut de ma page web, tout le reste est sur fond blanc, alors qu’avant il arrivais bien jusqu’en bas de la page web.
J’ai beau avoir mis en place les bonne fonctions cela ne fonctionne pas.

Voici mon site web :

Si vous pouvez regarder sur smartphone ce que cela donne pour vous, cela m’aiderais beaucoup.

Merci par avance

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Thanks for posting about your background image on mobile devices, as this definitely sounds like odd behavior.

I tried reproducing this behavior and noticed the same issue when testing with

This issue may be related to the fixed style, which you can see in the following URL: css - background-size: cover not working on iOS - Stack Overflow

I was able to note a workaround, which you can see below:

Hopefully, this was helpful. :bowing_man:

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Hello, thanks for your help, I tried to solve the problem and it seems that it comes from the “fixed” mode, but the non-fixed mode is not suitable because the background is pixelated

Thank you

Great point, and you may also use a different, sharper background image specifically for your mobile devices so that it shows a higher-quality image.

What’s weird is that it’s already worked, but for no apparent reason it’s out of order.

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