I have attached the link of the mobile version of my website. Do you know why I have a little section that does not take my background color ?
You’ll see the bug on the homepage mobile version between the first pictures and the first paragraph…
Also, If you go to the “Mentions légales” page available in the footer, you’ll see that my title does not fit in the mobile version. What can I do to fix it ?
Because the section above the “hole” is positioned -100px upwards.
Position really moves elements without any effect on the main flow of elements, it’s an arbitrary move that is not affecting anything around. And as your bg color beige is defined on sections, and not on the body, then the body color appears in the hole between the sections.
Hmm vite fait comme ça je ne les vois pas partit trop en freestyle Définis “freestyle” , ou montre moi en image ce qu’elles font et ce qu’elles devraient faire.