Adding bullets to Collection List Items

Hi there!

I know regular unordered lists automatically have bullets in Webflow. Is it possible to also add bullets to Collection List Items in Webflow? or does it require custom code?

Thanks in advance!

Hello. Please add a screenshot of your desire result/design (“bullet to Collection List Items” is too general).

My apologies for being too vague! I just want a plain bulleted list (like image below), but linking each list item to my CMS items. Right now, I can’t style my Collection List Items to have bullets.

bullet example

any update on this? Not sure how to do it. It does not allow lists or list items with collection items. Use CSS?

Hi - any update on this? Also trying to add an unordered list to a collection item. Thanks!

William, looks like you’re in a rich text field.
Hit enter to create a blank line, you’ll see a new icon to the left of the blank line, click that, and you’ll see options for unordered & ordered lists, video, images, etc.

Webflow does it a bit differently than many wysiwyg editors do.


On your collection list item, apply a custom class; let’s class it bulleted-item.

Then you should be able to use some custom CSS, something like;

.bulleted-item {
  display: list-item;
  margin-left: 1em;