Add Image to LI

EDIT: I forgot to add a public link:

How do I add an image inside a UL->LI ?

I can drag an image above or below the LI… because I cannot get an image to become “part of” the LI.

This is the code I need below:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

When I create it in Webflow - and export it… this is what I get.

  • Item 1
  • arrow.png

  • Item 2
  • arrow.png

  • Item 3

Hi @Revolution, Sorry about the LI trouble. Currently, when you convert a LI into a text box it doesn’t allow you to add elements to it. Try deleting the LI and adding a new one. If that still doesn’t seem to work, let me know and I can bring it up to our dev team. Thanks!

not trying to convert an LI to a textbox.

am trying to add an image to an LI

only list items can be added directly inside list.

< LI >< img src = “arrow.png” >ITEM 2

It gives me this instead

< LI >ITEM 2
< img src = “arrow.png” >

Try this.

Add the list element and don’t put any text inside just mark one of the li’s. Next go to add elements and press the image element once and voila the image is inside the list item.
After that if you want to add text you add it the same you added the image.

It’s crucial that the element is empty, otherwise it wont work. If you just is going to add a list with text you can double click inside and add text but then you can’t add other elements.

Hope that helps =D