Add CMS Collection List to Navbar dropdown Error

Hi There,

Im trying to link a CMS Collection list to the navbar dropdown menu but when I try to add the collection anywhere on the navbar i get the following error: “Sorry, you cant add a collection list to a component that is used on a 404 Page”

How can I resolve this?

I appreciate the help in advance!

Detach the component on that page would do the trick.

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Sorry for the silly question but how exactly can I do that? Im fairly new to webflow. Do I need to detach the navbar from the 404 page or just the dropdown list from the 404 page?

Questions like this are usually answered within the WFU, which is a great first stop. See → Components overview - Webflow University Documentation

If your Navbar is a component then you can unlink that.

You’re the best! I got it working, Thank you!!!

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