Access to logged in user details

Now that webflow supports user login, how can I access the details of a logged-in user on a page? Our use case is to track items in a collection that a user has seen and exclude them next time he/she opens the page

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Abhishek,

in the Membership BETA forum, there are some discussions about this need. Here’s one post related to your use case. You might add your question there.

Hi Abhishek,

how can I join this community , currently it seems to be private.
I am also looking for the answer on it.


You can find the link at the bottom of the memberships page, but it’s well hidden.

May I suggest something I haven’t tried - use the user account page and input fields and stuff but format it the way you want as though they aren’t inputs

You can make multiple copies of the user account form I think

No, it is not possible to use the form outside the user account template