A Built In Style Guide Would Be Amazing

I think it would be awesome to have the ability to build a style guide in webflow before building your site. Setup your colors, headers, font styling, typography, and more, then once your elements are in place you can begin building your site from a set of predefined elements and classes. The ability to import and export these at will would also be great. Something along the lines of this:

This gives you the ability to ideate without having to commit anything to page/code upfront and would go a long toward helping project organization and structure in webflow. It would also further differentiate Webflow from it’s competitors.


+1. Currently just using “hidden” pages, but a separate style guide section would be great.

+1 yes that would be awesome

+1 Big YES to Style Guides or better yet a Library. :smiley:

That would be great. Right now I’m creating a style guide and mood board template as its own theme. I figured that way I can easily duplicate it when starting a new project and predefine the common styles before getting too deep in layout.

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You can create one of these for yourself and use it as the start of every site instead of the blank template. I have thought about making one of these for a while. If you wanna team up and make one that is clonable, I’m in!

Mat also created one of these a while ago Style Tile - Webflow


My work in progress :slight_smile: I’ll make this clone-able after I clean it up a bit!


Here’s the clone-able site link. I’ll be adding to this. What else would be useful to add to a starter style guide?



great job! This would be very useful for when cross-site copy/pasting becomes available. :smiley:


Nice work, @maiasingletary! And great memory, @DFink!


Since you guys are here any word if having something like this baked in is in the pipeline? @jmw @PixelGeek

@maiasingletary great work! Don’t know if you tried this but if you connect the color swatches to a cms collection you can add more, more rapidly, or hot swap them out as necessary.

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AFTER we get an update allowing us to upload files in general, this would be something to really appreciate. This is already the first thing I essentially do when I’m referencing my mockups.

Yes, that would be great! Can’t wait for this feature!

@iamechelon Thanks. I hadn’t thought about that. Great idea!

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I’m with you! Such thing would be a huge time saver!

Can’t remember how often I was frustrated pasting a Header or button into an almost finished design only to get the standard design.
Of course you can define styles to it, but on more complex sites with many pages it’s important to keep a consistent design language.

What I usually do is to start with a blank page called something like “design-guide” and to paste all my elements I need for this project and style them.
But it’s not very convenient.

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