401 GET Error In Incognito Mode

I am building a customer admin panel and am allowing my customers to upload their image. This image is added into the CMS as a URL after the user uploads it and is then displayed in a HTML Embed using the following code:

.img-circle { border-radius: 50%; width: 50px; height: 50px; }

Everything works as long as I am also logged into the Webflow Dashboard in the same browser. If I try on another browser or in incognito mode then the image does not display and I get the following error:

GET https://webflow.com/api/sites/signup-f19d5b/formUploads/d7930fd1-e887-4c0d-9d16-ac28e70efaa5.jpeg 401 (Unauthorised)

It seems that Webflow is un-authorising itself from accessing the image from the CMS?

Would be really great if someone has a solution!
