360 image view tool


I have a potential client and the clincher will be this. I need to be able to show a 360 view of their products. You know…where you drag your mouse and the product spins to show alternative angles of view, They also want to be able to zoom. I know AJAX-ZOOM do this but I am not clever enough with java etc to take their code and tweak/embed it into a site. :grinning:

Anybody know of a tool that can do this type of thing that will give me something more easily handled for insertion into a webflow site?

Thanks in advance.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Some services handle your objects and you only have to embed them into webflow with custom code.

The leading service for objects in 3D is sketchfab. https://sketchfab.com/

Thanks Vincent…Unfortunately the client is not working with 3d models. They will have say 36 .jpg files (maybe 72 for smoother spin).

Try www.arqspin.com I’ve used it before on a site and it worked really well.

Thanks Matt. I’ll take a look.

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