2 things i can't seem to figure out

First one is my Nav Bar, every time I hover over it turns gray and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

When I click on the nav bar setting and go over to effects It doesn’t seem to have any effects

Second… The four images in my Galleries section I have put them into a Div Box, but I don’t know how to centre them - or am I suppose to do that manually.

here is the link to my website - its a slow work in progress


Hey Peter,

Pretty simple solution to these!

For the first issue you need to go to the states, and edit the hover state. When in here you can change things like the background (in your case the grey) or the size of type, its placement heaps of things that will only be triggered with the hover.

For your second issue you just need to make sure you div is centred. Easiest way would be to click this one on your div selection


Keep going @Peter_Kramm ! Also some useful tutorials:

Hey Thomas,

Thanks for the reply and the illustration.

I went and checked out my settings for my nav bar and everything is ticked off as none under the " state " section. Is there somewhere else I could configure this?
I added some screen shots.

The Div Box centring worked- thank you.

No Problem Peter,

And there is no ticking on or off for those states, you just click into them to edit those settings in that state. So in your case just click on hover and scroll down and make sure the background is transparent, my guess is it will say “333” inside background colour, you want this to be transparent so there is no BG on hover.

So basically, these aren’t like tick on or off although the UI kinda looks like that. They are just states so your hover settings are managed in their.

Hope thats clear mate!